Removable dentures in Odessa

Removable dentures are the most popular type of prosthetics not only in Odessa, but throughout Ukraine. A removable denture for the lower or upper jaw is convenient, first of all, because you can easily carry out the hygiene of the oral cavity and the denture itself at home. Most often, the manufacture of a removable denture is ordered by elderly people. Dental clinic "Asteria" offers several types of removable dentures. Make an appointment with us for a consultation and reception at Odessa, st. Topoleva 14/1 (Tairovo) and learn about modern clasp and nylon removable dentures, their cost and features.

We offer the following types of removable prosthetics:

  1. Clasp. Special structures made of composite materials. They are conveniently and imperceptibly fixed in the oral cavity.
  2. Partial. Attached to the jaw using special locks. They can be successfully applied in case of loss of a large number of teeth.
  3. Complete. It is used only in the complete absence of teeth, which sometimes happens in old age.

Съемные зубные протезы

Stages of prosthetics in dentistry "Asteria" in Odessa

Removable prosthetics service in our clinic consists of the following stages:

  1. Dentistry specialists perform three-dimensional diagnostics using a CT scanner.
  2. The orthopedist initially creates a plaster cast, and then prostheses from high-quality materials with a high level of biocompatibility.
  3. Trying on removable dentures and adjusting them.
  4. The patient follows the recommendations of doctors and does not miss preventive examinations.
  5. The difference between plate and clasp removable dentures

The difference between plate and clasp removable dentures

Отличие пластинчатых и бюгельных съемных зубных протезов

If the patient does not have one, several or all teeth, the doctor will first of all recommend the installation of permanent structures.

When is it recommended to put removable dentures

  • The need to hide missing teeth during the manufacture of permanent structures.
  • Cost savings.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity: periodontitis, periodontal disease.
  • Allergy to other types of prosthetics;
  • Contraindications to the installation of implants.

Contraindications to installation

  • Gum atrophy.
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • Small size of natural teeth.
Our Doctors

When ordering prosthetics in our dental clinic, you are guaranteed to receive a very high quality service at the most reasonable prices.

Cost and payment methods

You can pay for the services of our dental clinic in cash and non-cash ways. This is very convenient, since each patient can choose the option that suits him best. In addition, we always have a step-by-step payment for removable prosthetics and other services provided by our dental clinic. As for the cost, it cannot be determined in advance, without an examination and a plan of prosthetics by the attending physician. Prices for the manufacture of removable dentures in dentistry "Asteria" are among the most affordable in Odessa.

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Answers to questions
1.Где находится стоматология?

С учётом сложившейся международной обстановки, убеждённость некоторых оппонентов создаёт необходимость включения в производственный план целого ряда внеочередных мероприятий с учётом комплекса кадров способствует повышению качества поставленных обществом задач.

Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.

Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.

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Clinic "Asteria"

Modern dental clinic in Odessa