Dental crowns from metal ceramics in Odessa

The metal-ceramic crown has replaced the outdated metal crown. Metal structures in dentistry are not used almost anywhere. Metal-ceramic crowns and dental implants are used in cases where the tooth is no longer subject to filling due to severe destruction or is completely absent. The main advantage of metal-ceramic crowns is their durability. You can get more detailed information about this type of prosthetics from the attending physicians of the dental clinic "Asteria" in Odessa at st. Topoleva 14/1 (Tairovo). We have affordable prices and modern materials.

What is a porcelain fused-to-metal crown?

a metal-ceramic crown in its image has the shape and color of a healthy tooth. Installed on top of the destroyed one. The crown is based on a metal alloy used in medicine, and the top layer is covered with ceramics.


What is the service life of a metal-ceramic crown or implant?

On average, a properly installed prosthesis, implant or crown can last 10-15 years. Constructions made of metal-ceramic perfectly withstand the load created by chewing.


What are the advantages of metal-ceramic crowns?

High level of biocompatibility. Using this material, you can achieve a high level of compliance of artificial teeth with natural ones, both in appearance and in other properties. Hygiene. Sintered metal is a hygienic material due to the fact that significantly fewer microbes settle on it than on a natural tooth or metal.

Installation of implants and crowns made of metal ceramics in the clinic "Asteria"

Installation of metal-ceramic crowns is carried out in several stages:

  • The patient undergoes a general examination, diagnostics, and also carries out dental treatment, if necessary.
  • The teeth are prepared for the crown: the enamel is ground and the nerves are removed.
  • Impressions are taken from the teeth, on the basis of which prostheses are made in the laboratory.
  • The specialist installs custom-made dentures.
  • The whole procedure of metal-ceramic prosthetics takes about 2 weeks.

By ordering this service in our dental clinic, you can be sure that you will get an excellent result, since we have very experienced and qualified specialists, and dentistry for metal-ceramic crowns in Odessa in the Asteria clinic is quite democratic.

Our Doctors

Caring for a metal-ceramic crown

  • This type of crowns does not need individual care, it is enough to brush your teeth in the morning and evening, just before bedtime. You can use mouth rinses to clean your mouth.
  • The toothbrush should be soft and not traumatic for the gums.
  • As a preventive measure, it is recommended to remove dental calculus once every six months.

Contraindications to the installation of metal-ceramic crowns

  • allergic reactions to the materials of the product;
  • periodontal disease and severe periodontitis;
  • malocclusion;
  • bruxism;
  • low set teeth;
  • excessive dental mobility.
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Answers to questions
1.Где находится стоматология?

С учётом сложившейся международной обстановки, убеждённость некоторых оппонентов создаёт необходимость включения в производственный план целого ряда внеочередных мероприятий с учётом комплекса кадров способствует повышению качества поставленных обществом задач.

Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.

Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.

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Clinic "Asteria"

Modern dental clinic in Odessa