Aligners for teeth in Odessa

Correcting the bite with aligners, or they are also called mouth guards, are the safest way to align the teeth or correct the bite. At the same time, aligners, unlike braces, are more attractive for patients. This is primarily due to the aesthetic appearance, since aligners are often transparent and almost invisible when worn. Also, unlike classic braces, each patient during the period of teeth alignment or occlusion correction with aligners can independently remove them and put them on at a convenient time, which is very important, for example, when cleaning teeth.

You can only find out if aligners are suitable for correcting occlusion or straightening teeth with a specialized specialist. Dentists-orthodontists treat narrowly focused doctors who have the right to prescribe the installation of aligners to certain patients. To find out if aligners are right for you or your child, you can contact our dental clinic "Asteria" in Odessa, at st. Topolevaya 14/1 (Tairovo district).

Indications for installing aligners

You need to think about using these modern designs if you have:

  • rotation of one or more teeth;
  • teeth are too tilted or knotted together;
  • there is a need to create a place for placing a dental implant;
  • dentoalveolar shortening or lengthening;
  • the shape of the dentition is disturbed;
  • there are wide gaps between the teeth.

Aligners are also used to fix the result from the use of braces, so that after removing the bracket system, the teeth do not return to their previous position. In such cases, dentists advise to use the design periodically and over several years.

What are aligners?

Aligners are a type of mouthguard that is worn as a cover for the lower or upper row of teeth. Such a construction is made of a transparent polymer, thanks to which the aligners are almost invisible to prying eyes. The material from which the lining is made is quite tough and durable.


How much do aligners cost?

Aligners are individual and are created strictly according to the impression of the dentition. In other words, they are always unique to each person. For difficult cases of curvature of the dentition, several aligners can be made designed for step-by-step correction. The exact cost can be determined by a specialist on the basis of the examination and the selected materials of the cap aligners by the patient himself.


How long to wear aligners?

To form a correct bite or align the lower or upper row of teeth, the period of application (wearing) of aligners can vary from several months to a year. Only the attending physician prescribes and regulates the wearing period of cap aligners. This is the competence of specialists such as orthodontists. It usually takes less time for adolescents than for adults.


Stages of installing aligners in the clinic "Asteria" in Odessa

Stage 1. The patient must undergo diagnostics: take photos and pictures of the dentition on a panoramic 2D X-ray apparatus, which is installed in our clinic.
Stage 2. The doctor processes the information received and makes impressions from the jaw. With the help of computer technology, the patient has the opportunity to see his future smile in the form of a 3D model or setup.
Stage 3. The activators are being installed. If the case is severe, multiple aligners may be required.
Stage 4. Removing the structure and fixing the effect.

Aligners are made by forming objects of various shapes (in our case, a model of the jaw) from polymer plates under pressure and when heated in special presses.

Restrictions on the use of aligners

Not all dental defects can be corrected with aligners - they have insufficient pressure force. They help to correct only minor deviations in the position of the teeth in adults and adolescents.

The system is recommended for use by patients over 12 years old. For children under this age, an orthodontist may refuse to install aligners.

Aligners will only work effectively with responsible patients. This is due to the fact that many people remove the structure for cleaning or for eating. And then they forget to wear it. The result from using a mouth guard in this case will be minimal.

Benefits of aligners for teeth

Compared to other teeth straightening systems, aligners have a number of advantages:

  • ease of care - easy to remove and clean, no special devices are required (tooth brushes, threads and brushes);
  • the speed of getting used to the design - it ceases to interfere after a few hours, maximum - after 1-2 days;
  • you do not need to give up some food, as when using braces;
  • aligners look more aesthetically pleasing;
  • due to the smooth surface and snug fit to the teeth, they are more comfortable to wear.
Our Doctors

Ways of payment

We accept cash and non-cash payments. You can pay for the entire aligner installation procedure in its entirety and before the start of treatment. And you can pay for each visit to the doctor after the service is provided. All dental procedures are carried out using certified modern equipment. Subject to the recommendations of the attending physician, our clinic guarantees a positive effect. From visiting the dental clinic "Asteria" in Odessa, you will have only positive reviews. Orthodontists who correct the dentition using aligners have many years of experience and experience in working with modern materials and equipment. We will be glad to see your whole family at the address - st. Topolevaya 14/1 (Tairovo district).

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Answers to questions
1.Где находится стоматология?

С учётом сложившейся международной обстановки, убеждённость некоторых оппонентов создаёт необходимость включения в производственный план целого ряда внеочередных мероприятий с учётом комплекса кадров способствует повышению качества поставленных обществом задач.

Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.

Everyone’s needs are different, so have a chat to your dentist about how often you need to have your teeth checked by them based on the condition of your mouth, teeth and gums. It’s recommended that children see their dentist at least once a year.

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Clinic "Asteria"

Modern dental clinic in Odessa